Document Type : Original Article


1 Political Sciences Department, Law and Political Sciences Faculty, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran / Iran

2 Editor in Chief / IRIB


Gender inequality is a global phenomenon that is inextricably linked with gender discrimination and violence. Culture tries to justify and normalize gender inequality and violence by using traditional gender beliefs, practices, norms and stereotypes. Since gender norms are formed during childhood and adolescence, programs, lessons and materials provided through schools offer an opportunity to influence people's gender attitudes and these attitudes are institutionalized in people over the years. Therefore, proper education and socialization in schools can challenge the stereotypes that give men power and the possibility of exercising this undue power, to eliminate and eradicate unfavorable gender norms and attitudes before they are institutionalized in the mental and behavioral structure of children and adolescents in order to prevent their violence against women in their adult years. In this research, data was obtained by using a questionnaire about the attitude of 1752 sixth grade male students and their fathers towards different gender roles and stereotypes, violence against women and gender inequality in different fields. The results showed that the attitude of teenagers has changed in supporting traditional patriarchal gender beliefs, prejudices and norms compared to their fathers, and they have a greater desire for gender equality, removing dysfunctional gender stereotypes and experiencing sustainable peace in their new lifestyle. This research concludes that some traditions, norms and stereotypes must have an expiration date and cultural DNA, just like the DNA of people, changes with each generation.
